Service absorptive capacity its evolution and implications for innovation pdf

Service absorptive capacity its evolution and implications for innovation pdf
Service Absorptive Capacity: Its Evolution and Implications for Innovation Bertha Jimenez & Bojan Angelov & Bharat Rao Received: 17 May 2011 /Accepted: 16 December 2011 /
We analyse the impact of ICT spillovers on productivity using company data for the U.S. We account for inter- and intra-industry spillovers and assess the role played by firm’s absorptive capacity.
The author examines the determinants of technological innovations in Egyptian manufacturing and service small and medium-sized enterprises. Three categories of determinants are explored: (a) firms’ exposure to external knowledge and technologies, (b) firms’ absorptive capacity, and (c) financial and market barriers to innovation.
Absorptive capacity is regarded as important for firm innovation and performance and has been a hot topic in the field of strategy and organization for more than two decades (Barta et al. 2016; Huang et al. 2015; Sopelana et al. 2014; Vasudeva and Anand 2011).
2 Innovation and Efficiency in Industry Evolution 2.1 Introduction In modern times the evolution of high-tech industries has been profoundly affected by innovations in different forms, for example
Abstract. Open innovation provides a general view how firms can benefit from external sources of knowledge. Absorptive capacity is crucial in explaining why some companies are much better than others in creating and capturing value from in-sourcing externally developed technology and from collaboration with innovation partners.
Absorptive capacity of a firm also turns out to be path dependent and signifies trajectories. It is important to understand that a firm’s absorptive capacity largely depends upon its existing knowledge. Prof. Cohen & Prof. Levinthal (1990) have defined Absorptive Capacity as “the ability of a firm to recognize the value of new, external information, assimilate it and apply it to commercial
H3: The absorptive capacity of knowledge of the company moderates the existing relation between the inter-organizational network of the company and its innovative result. The graph shows that both investment in R&D and International Networks are causes of an improvement in competitiveness (expressed in Innovations).
“ Knowledge absorptive capacity: New insights for its conceptualization and measurement”, Journal of innovation research in service industries. SACAP can be seen Business Research, 2009 as the firm’s ability to identify and recognize knowledge and [14] Chen, Y., M. Lin, and C. Chang, “The positive effects of relationship relationships within the extended context, make sense of learning
absorptive capacity, as a mediator, serves not only as a valid dynamic capability but also as an enabling mechanism and a vehicle by which subsidiary bargaining power can be achieved. The
Read “The effect of shipping knowledge and absorptive capacity on organizational innovation and logistics value, The International Journal of Logistics Management” on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips.
absorptive capacity as: the identification and recognition of new information, both internal and external, and its assimilation, application and exploitation for commercial ends.
2 Innovation and Regional Absorptive Capacity: the Labour Market Dimension 1. Introduction Since the seminal work of Cohen and Levinthal (1989, 1990) the notion of absorptive
The probability of introducing a product (good or service) or process innovation is estimated using a series of independent variables which capture the different aspects of firms’ absorptive capacity while, at the same time, controlling for regional and sectoral specificities.
Absorptive Capacity Cycle is a set of organizational routines and processes by which firms acquire, assimilate, transform, and exploit knowledge to produce a dynamic organizational capability (Zahra & …
Journal Articles. Jimenez, B., Angelov, B., and Rao, B. (2011). Service Absorptive Capacity: Its Evolution and Implications for Innovation. Journal of the Knowledge
is possible to deal with several contingencies, and influence the absorptive capacity at the network level to generate new service innovations. Design/methodology/approach – These issues are examined through literature review and a case study.
This is because absorptive capacity has been found to be a key driver of the competitive advantage of a firm, mediating important organizational outcomes such as innovation …

From Knowledge Management to Absorptive Capacity The
The effect of shipping knowledge and absorptive capacity
Developing absorptive capacity in SMEs
Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational networks: effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance. (2010). Absorbing the concept of absorptive capacity: how to realize its potential in the organization field.
Without knowing more about the social processes at play, and their consequences, theoretical understanding of absorptive capacity and its implications for innovation and competitive advantage will be circumscribed, offering the ability to make relatively constrained practical recommendations.
Absorptive capacity is defined as the firm’s ability to identify, assimilate, and exploit external knowledge to commercial ends ( Cohen & Levinthal, 1990 ); upon a resource-based view perspective, absorptive capacity represents the ability of a company to translate a change in a combination of input resources into organizational performance
absorptive capacity, the more sensitised the individual, organisation or region is to evolving opportunities, the greater their aspiration to exploit these opportunities (Kinder and Lancaster, 2001).
Abstract. The concept of absorptive capacity has been part of the strategy and innovation discourse for a few decades. As industry and business practices have evolved, so has the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for developing and growing the absorptive capacity of …
2. Benefits of absorptive capacity and extant assumptions. Empirical research partially supports the positive effects of absorptive capacity on several organisational outcomes, such as innovation (Lane and Lubatkin 1998 Lane, P. J., and M. Lubatkin.
industry absorptive capacity and scientific absorptive capacity (Schmidt 2005). Within innovation studies there is a long-established strand of work concerned with identifying what firms need to learn to establish effective routines for search, selection
The paper provides a framework linking organizational learning, imitation, absorptive capacity and innovation, and it advances the argument that absorptive capacity is an important factor in predicting the Chinese firms’ transition from imitation to innovation.
Enhancing Green Absorptive Capacity Green Dynamic
innovation capacity of SMEs and promot e the development and improvement of open innovation theory. 2. Innovation Performance Evaluation Innovation is a dynamic concept. With the development of innovation theory and practice research, its meaning continues to expand, enrich and deepen (Figure 1). Evaluation of innovation performance changes along with innovation connotation. Oslo Manual …
Read “Absorptive capacity and network orchestration in innovation communities – promoting service innovation, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing” on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips.
Introducing absorptive capacity in this model may have novel implications, as it creates another trade‐off between incumbents (with a large stock of R&D and a high absorptive capacity) and new firms.
SME’s Appropriability Regime for Sustainable Development
This study here examines the role of absorptive capacity as both a mechanism to identify and translate external knowledge inflows into tangible benefits, as well as a means of achieving superior innovation and time-lagged financial performance.
Extract. Maria Abreu INTRODUCTION Absorptive capacity was famously defined by Cohen and Levinthal (1989) as the ability by a firm to ‘identify, assimilate and exploit knowledge from the external environment’ (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989, 569).
Service Absorptive Capacity: Its Evolution and Implications for Innovation Bertha Jimenez, Bojan Angelov, Bharat Rao Department of Technology Management, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, NY – USA
Absorptive capacity contributes, directly and indirectly, to innovation and financial performance but in different time spans. This study, therefore, contributes to the understanding of absorptive capacity’s antecedents and outcomes by providing empirical evidence of longitudinal form that offers important research and practical implications.
Ambidexterity in Technology Sourcing The Moderating Role
Absorptive capacity, coopetition and product innovation: A comparative analysis between Italian and Portuguese service firms Reflections on the 2013 Decade Award—“Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited” Ten Years Later
According to them, absorptive capacity is a serial of organizational practices and processes. Through knowledge acquisition, knowledge assimilation, knowledge conversion and knowledge application, an enterprise builds up its dynamic organizational ability.
In both of the Taiwanese manufacturing industry and the Taiwanese service industry, this study verifies that resource commitment and resource flexibility are two antecedents of absorptive capacity, and that new product development performance or service innovation performance is its consequent. Besides, the empirical results show that absorptive capacity plays a partial mediator in the
The seminal article on absorptive capacity highlights the idea that the capacity of an organization to absorb external knowledge (recognize, evaluate, assimilate and apply) is a function of the level of prior related knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990).
“Service Absorptive Capacity: Its Evolution and Implications for Innovation,” Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer;Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), vol. 3(2), pages 142-163, June.
‘absorptive capacity’ (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990) or ‘social capability’ (Abramovitz, 1986) in order for the foreign technologies to be effectively absorbed into productivity growth. This absorptive capacity
sustainability Article SME’s Appropriability Regime for Sustainable Development-the Role of Absorptive Capacity and Inventive Capacity HanGyeol Seo 1, Yanghon Chung 1, Chungwon Woo 2, Dongphil Chun 3 and
Service absorptive capacity: Its evolution and implications for innovation more by Bharat Rao Abstract–The concept of absorptive capacity has been part of the strategy and innovation discourse for a few decades. – ecology and evolution author guidelines Thus realized absorptive capacity ultimately enhances service innovation performance. The results have implications for dynamic capabilities theory, and they provide practitioners with potential means to outperform their competitors in service innovation efforts.
ABSTRACT. This paper assesses the influence of absorptive capacity (AC) on firms’ product innovation by relying on pooled cross-sectional data from innovation surveys among Nigerian manufacturing and service firms.
Hence, this study claims that green absorptive capacity positively affects green service innovation and suggests the following hypothesis. Hypothesis 2 (H 2 ).
Knowledge Management Systems, Absorptive Capacity, And Innovation Success – Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Absorptive Capacity and Innovation
of absorptive capacity and offer reconceptualization of this construct. Building upon the dynamic capabilities view of the firm, we distinguish between a firm’s potential and realized capacity. We then advance a model outlining the conditions when the firm’s potential and realized capacities can differentially influence the creation and sustenance of its competitive advantage. In recent years
This chapter focuses on the gap between the speed of proliferation of theoretical and empirical contributions and the speed of accumulation of the acquired scientific knowledge regarding absorptive capacity. To contribute to narrowing this gap, we will in particular review the conceptual
by absorptive capacity which is itself influenced by cognitive distance and invest- ment allocation between inventive and absorptive R&D. Cognitive distance between firms changes as a function of the intensity of cooperation and innovation.
evolution of dynamic capabilities, I call on recent literature on the absorptive capacity construct that calls for more understanding of how absorptive capacity can produce and develop dynamic capabilities.
Table of Contents List of Figures v List of Tables vi List of Abbreviations vii Acknowledgements viii Authorships ix Dedication x Summary xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Basic Concepts .
associated with open innovation and absorptive capacity, investigated in this paper has not, as of yet, been adequately undertaken. Fourthly, the vast majority of empirical literature relating to the practice of
Potential absorptive capacity involves the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge spillovers, while realised absorptive capacity guarantees the application of this knowledge through the development and refinement of routines that facilitate its transformation and exploitation.
Absorptive Capacity and Achieving the MDGs f 143 much higher resource flows. In this paper, we examine these issues for Ethiopia in a way that distinguishes between the implications of: directing
Effects of Knowledge Sharing and Absorption on Organizational Innovation Performance environmental evolution (Peteraf, 1993). Teece (1986) believed that traditional competitiveness
Absorptive Capacity Antecedents Models and Outcomes by
Absorptive Capacity, Alliance Portfolios and Innovation Performance: An Analytical Model Based on Bibliographic Research T. Diana L. van Aduard de Macedo Soares1* , Tania Silva Barboza1, Fábio de Oliveira Paula1 Abstract: The objective of this article is to present a model for analysing the role of absorptive capacity in the relationship between strategic alliance portfolios and innovation
We analyse firm-level internal indicators measuring firm’s absorptive capacity and a set of liaison factors, using a Portuguese sample of 571 service firms and 562 manufacturing firms that participated in the European Community Innovation Survey (CIS), 2010. Results reveal that internal R&D, acquisition of external R&D, acquisition of external knowledge (i.e., equipment, software, licenses
Absorptive capacity and knowledge transfer were used by many different authors to explain organizational events. Firms are increasingly relying on knowledge acquired from other firms to facilitate the development of their own capabilities. The importance of absorptive capacity keeps on growing since the first paper of Cohen and Levinthal (1990). Moreover knowledge transfer meets the same
For instance, although the notion of absorptive capacity (AC) (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990) as an enabler of innovation has now been fully accepted in the management literature (Lane, Koka & Pathak, 2006), most studies on AC have been undertaken in the context of technological innova-
Many researchers have found that a firm’s innovation depends on its absorptive capacity after acquiring external knowledge [1–6], beginning with Cohen and Levinthal’s assertion that absorptive capacity, defined as a “firm’s ability to recognize the value of new, external knowledge, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends,” ( p. 128) contributes to creating outputs.
Capturing Absorptive Capacity Concepts Determinants
Sources of Variation in the Efficiency of Adopting
CORE Working PaPer
Bertha Jimenez, Bojan Angelov and Bharat Rao, Service Absorptive Capacity: Its Evolution and Implications for Innovation, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 3, 2, (142), (2012). Crossref Peter Y.T. Sun and Marc H. Anderson , The combined influence of top and middle management leadership styles on absorptive capacity , Management Learning , 43 , 1 , (25) , (2012) .
Absorptive capacity of firms develops as an outcome of the interaction between absorptive R&D and cognitive distance from voluntary and involuntary knowledge spillovers. Thus, we offer a revision of the original model by Cohen and Levinthal (Econ J 99(397):569–596, 1989), accounting for recent empirical findings and explicitly modeling absorptive capacity within the framework of interactive
Additionally, combining concepts of absorptive capacity and open innovation (which is still rare in the literature) provides a new perspective on the role of absorptive capacity in opening up the innovation process. This advances the understanding of both inter-related proposals. The article also identifies key problems and formulates future research directions to improve the multi-level
Absorptive capacity, as defined by Cohen and Levinthal (1989, 1990, 1994),isafirm’s ability “to recognize the value of new, external information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends” (1990, p.
The concept of absorptive capacity has been part of the strategy and innovation discourse for a few decades. As industry and business practices have evolved, so has the understanding of the
Absorptive Capacity (Pacap), which covers the skills of acquisition and assi- milation, and the Realized Absorptive Capacity (Racap), which includes the capabilities of transformation and exploitation of knowledge (Chart 1).
held to enable or limit absorptive capacity and its implications for innovation. Prior experience of, Prior experience of, and the learning associated with, searching for and using external sources of …
ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY: A REVIEW, RECONCEPTUALIZÄTION, AND EXTENSION abling organizational change and evolution (Zott, 2001). These capabilities enable the firm to reconfigure its resource base and adapt to changing market conditions in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Here we suggest that ACAP exists as two sub- sets of potential and realized absorptive capac- …
Knowledge Management Systems Absorptive Capacity And
What is Absorptive capacity IGI Global
Absorptive capacity and network orchestration DeepDyve
A number of socio-economic phenomena that are intensifying nowadays, in particular an increase in competition and customer expectations, forces enterprises to seek new sources of innovation, including process (technological) ones to ensure the…
effective absorptive capacity needs to combine technical knowledge and operation knowledge of “the firm’s idiosyncratic needs, organisational procedures, complementary capabilities and extramural relationships” (Cohen and Levinthal 1994, 237).
The absorptive capacity of tourism organisations

An Examination of the Relationship Between Absorptive

Bertha Jimenez NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Study on Knowledge Absorptive Capacity of Service

the evolution of mara dyer pdf english – Chapter 19 THE ROLE OF ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY IN
Innovation and Efficiency in Industry Evolution
Service Absorptive Capacity Its Evolution and

Realizing Potential The Impact of Business Incubation

Dynamic Capabilities Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge

(PDF) Service Absorptive Capacity Its Evolution and

Ambidexterity in Technology Sourcing The Moderating Role

Extract. Maria Abreu INTRODUCTION Absorptive capacity was famously defined by Cohen and Levinthal (1989) as the ability by a firm to ‘identify, assimilate and exploit knowledge from the external environment’ (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989, 569).
ABSTRACT. This paper assesses the influence of absorptive capacity (AC) on firms’ product innovation by relying on pooled cross-sectional data from innovation surveys among Nigerian manufacturing and service firms.
“Service Absorptive Capacity: Its Evolution and Implications for Innovation,” Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer;Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), vol. 3(2), pages 142-163, June.
absorptive capacity, as a mediator, serves not only as a valid dynamic capability but also as an enabling mechanism and a vehicle by which subsidiary bargaining power can be achieved. The
sustainability Article SME’s Appropriability Regime for Sustainable Development-the Role of Absorptive Capacity and Inventive Capacity HanGyeol Seo 1, Yanghon Chung 1, Chungwon Woo 2, Dongphil Chun 3 and
This is because absorptive capacity has been found to be a key driver of the competitive advantage of a firm, mediating important organizational outcomes such as innovation …

Realizing Potential The Impact of Business Incubation
The Review of SMEs Open Innovation Performance

The paper provides a framework linking organizational learning, imitation, absorptive capacity and innovation, and it advances the argument that absorptive capacity is an important factor in predicting the Chinese firms’ transition from imitation to innovation.
The probability of introducing a product (good or service) or process innovation is estimated using a series of independent variables which capture the different aspects of firms’ absorptive capacity while, at the same time, controlling for regional and sectoral specificities.
For instance, although the notion of absorptive capacity (AC) (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990) as an enabler of innovation has now been fully accepted in the management literature (Lane, Koka & Pathak, 2006), most studies on AC have been undertaken in the context of technological innova-
2 Innovation and Efficiency in Industry Evolution 2.1 Introduction In modern times the evolution of high-tech industries has been profoundly affected by innovations in different forms, for example

Service Absorptive Capacity Its Evolution and
Emergence of Innovation Networks from R&D Cooperation with

Absorptive capacity and knowledge transfer were used by many different authors to explain organizational events. Firms are increasingly relying on knowledge acquired from other firms to facilitate the development of their own capabilities. The importance of absorptive capacity keeps on growing since the first paper of Cohen and Levinthal (1990). Moreover knowledge transfer meets the same
For instance, although the notion of absorptive capacity (AC) (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990) as an enabler of innovation has now been fully accepted in the management literature (Lane, Koka & Pathak, 2006), most studies on AC have been undertaken in the context of technological innova-
According to them, absorptive capacity is a serial of organizational practices and processes. Through knowledge acquisition, knowledge assimilation, knowledge conversion and knowledge application, an enterprise builds up its dynamic organizational ability.
The probability of introducing a product (good or service) or process innovation is estimated using a series of independent variables which capture the different aspects of firms’ absorptive capacity while, at the same time, controlling for regional and sectoral specificities.

5 responses to “Service absorptive capacity its evolution and implications for innovation pdf”

  1. Table of Contents List of Figures v List of Tables vi List of Abbreviations vii Acknowledgements viii Authorships ix Dedication x Summary xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Basic Concepts .


  2. For instance, although the notion of absorptive capacity (AC) (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990) as an enabler of innovation has now been fully accepted in the management literature (Lane, Koka & Pathak, 2006), most studies on AC have been undertaken in the context of technological innova-

    Absorptive Capacity in Practice An Empirical Examination
    How does absorptive capacity influence the origin and
    CORE Working PaPer

  3. For instance, although the notion of absorptive capacity (AC) (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990) as an enabler of innovation has now been fully accepted in the management literature (Lane, Koka & Pathak, 2006), most studies on AC have been undertaken in the context of technological innova-

    Emergence of Innovation Networks from R&D Cooperation with
    The Review of SMEs Open Innovation Performance
    The Effects of Knowledge Sharing and Absorption on

  4. This is because absorptive capacity has been found to be a key driver of the competitive advantage of a firm, mediating important organizational outcomes such as innovation …

    Absorptive Capacity in Practice An Empirical Examination
    Absorptive Capacity Alliance Portfolios and Innovation

  5. 2. Benefits of absorptive capacity and extant assumptions. Empirical research partially supports the positive effects of absorptive capacity on several organisational outcomes, such as innovation (Lane and Lubatkin 1998 Lane, P. J., and M. Lubatkin.

    The positive moderating effect of absorptive capacity on R
    CORE Working PaPer